Ja us podeu imaginar que els components de la comissió no ens inventem tots els problemes, sinó que consultem  publicacions. Com que ara en volem posar un que hem llegit a The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Yearbook...  doncs us el deixarem en anglčs, tal com l'hem trobat!

The first and second terms of a sequence are added to make the third term:
                            first term + second term = third term 
Adjacent odd-numbered terms are added to make the next even-numbered term, for example
             first term + third term = fourth term        and       third term + fifth term = sixth term
Likewise, adjacent even-numbered terms are added to make the next odd-numberes term, for example,
                             second term + fourth term = fifth term.
Given that the seventh term equals the eight term, what is the value of the sixth term?

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